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  4. WiSPER: Wideband Secure and Protected Emitter and Receiver

WiSPER: Wideband Secure and Protected Emitter and Receiver



Essential for defense, secure tactical radios rely on time and frequency spreading to reduce signal power density and evade detection by other receivers. However, current spread spectrum techniques lack sufficient complexity to completely evade detection by modern signal intelligence (SIGINT) receivers. 

To overcome this challenge, the Wideband Secure and Protected Emitter and Receiver (WiSPER) program is exploring fundamentally disruptive wireless air interface transceiver technology. 

By introducing a wideband adaptive air interface, WiSPER seeks to ensure secure, high-bandwidth communication that remains reliable in harsh and contested environments. 

The capabilities developed under the WiSPER program will deliver a decisive technological advantage, strengthening operational security and effectiveness.
