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Information Innovation Office

About the Information Innovation Office

The Information Innovation Office (I2O) creates groundbreaking science and delivers future capabilities in the informational and computational domains to surprise adversaries and maintain enduring advantage for national security.

Thrust areas

Proficient AI 
We seek to create state-of-the-art AI, apply state-of-the-art AI to create new capabilities for national security, and develop techniques to mitigate the threats posed by AI systems. The predominant research challenge in our research portfolio is to define and create trustworthy AI systems, including those under threat of attack by skilled, high-resource adversaries.

Resilient, adaptable, and secure software and systems  
We concentrate on dramatically enhancing the security and resilience of both new and legacy software with a focus on practical and scalable approaches. The portfolio emphasizes development of formal methods while leveraging AI and machine learning. Techniques and tools are provided as open-source software for use by the research and software development communities, the defense industrial base, and DOD.

Advantage in cyber operations  
We’re leveraging advances in state-of-the-art AI and secure and resilient tools and technologies to produce trustworthy cyber capabilities that operate beyond human capacity and speed. Our efforts anticipate adversary countermeasures to create enduring capabilities.

Confidence in the information domain
We focus on measuring the health of and protecting and detecting attacks on the information domain, broadly construed. Our research portfolio spans many levels:

  • Cognitive: Beliefs and attitudes
  • Knowledge: Scientific discourse, the financial system, supply chains, and other areas
  • Tracking: Recording the digital artifacts of interactions with the myriad digital devices required by modern life
  • Transport: Delivery of electronic messages in many forms and with various gradations of observability


I2O Research Opportunities

Opportunities to engage include R&D programs and efforts, challenge competitions, and technology transition efforts for the Information Innovation Office. See all DARPA Opportunities


Technical Office leadership is responsible for guiding and overseeing the research and development activities within specific technical areas DARPA.

I2O Programs

Our research programs are finite in duration, but the revolutionary advancements they drive create lasting change. Learn more about recent and ongoing efforts across our key thrust areas. See all DARPA programs

I2O Program Managers

Our program managers are visionary leaders whose experience spans industry, government, and academia. They conceive, plan, and oversee the high-risk R&D efforts for which we are best known. See all people at DARPA
