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Government contractors

Program launches, challenges, commercial transition activities – our work pushes the edge of the possible.

To make it happen, our program managers need highly skilled science, engineering, and technical assistance (SETA). Typically spanning programs, portfolios, and even offices, the people who take on SETA roles are government contractors who help program managers chart and navigate the path toward groundbreaking discoveries. 

Unlike program managers, SETA roles are not tenure limited. As national security priorities and research programs evolve, they maintain the institutional knowledge that is critical to the continued success of our mission.

Find your best fit

We rely on several companies to fill SETA roles within our technical and support offices. 

Note: Contractor names and links are provided for convenience. The listing does not constitute an endorsement of the contractor or its services by DARPA or DOD, nor does it create an employer-employee relationship between DARPA and contractor personnel. 

To explore current opportunities, search the contractor sites. 

Adaptive Capabilities Office 

Biological Technologies Office

Contracts Management Office 

Comptroller's Office 

  • Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC
    • GS00Q14OADS101
    • HR001120F0009 
  • GenTech Associates, Inc. 
    • GS-23F-053AA
    • HR001123F0032

Director's Office

Defense Sciences Office

Mission Services Office 

Information Technology Directorate

  • Nakapuna Consulting, LLC 
    • HR001123C0142 
  • SecuriGence, LLC 
    • GS35F626GA 
    • HR001121F0006 
  • Twenty8 Technology, LLC 
    • 47QTCA19D00F5
    • HR001122F0015

Security & Technology Directorate

Microsystems Technology Office 

Small Business Programs Office

  • Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. 
    • GS35F683GA 
    • HR001120F0028 

Strategic Technology Office

Tactical Technology Office 

