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QBI: Quantum Benchmarking Initiative



DARPA’s Quantum Benchmarking Initiative (QBI) aims to determine if it’s possible to build an industrially useful quantum computer much faster than conventional predictions. Specifically, QBI is designed to rigorously verify and validate if any quantum computing approach can achieve utility-scale operation — meaning its computational value exceeds its cost — by the year 2033.


The Quantum Benchmarking Initiative is an expansion of the existing DARPA Underexplored Systems for Utility-Scale Quantum Computing (US2QC). QBI is separate from but related to the existing Quantum Benchmarking (QB) program that seeks to determine the yardstick for impact. 

In the simplest terms, QB seeks to answer the question: If a fully functioning quantum computer magically appeared, what would it make possible that a standard computer cannot accomplish? 

In addition to funding performers, QBI will add value to their ongoing research and development efforts by providing unbiased third-party verification and validation of an organization’s path to a utility-scale quantum computer. QBI will also effectively communicate the results of this verification and validation effort to other U.S. government stakeholders. 

Every successful QBI performer effort will progress through three critical stages: 

  1. Stage A: Describe a utility-scale quantum computer concept that has a plausible path to realization in the near term. 
  2. Stage B: Describe a Research and Development Plan capable of realizing the utility-scale quantum computer, the risks associated with that plan and the planned risk mitigation steps, and the prototypes needed to burn down these risks. 
  3. Stage C: Work with the Government to Verify and Validate that their utility-scale quantum computer concept can be constructed as designed and operated as intended. 

QBI is not a competition between performers; DARPA is interested in pursuing all viable approaches for which there is available funding.

[1] In 2023, the DARPA US2QC program stated interest in any “…truly revolutionary approach to building a useful quantum computer in the near future – less than 10 years…”

