Consistent with national policy and DoD Directives, DARPA fully supports free scientific exchanges and dissemination of research results to the maximum extent possible.
“Fundamental research means basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary research and from Industrial development, design, production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reason.” [National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 189, National Policy on the Transfer of Scientific, Technical, and Engineering Information]
DARPA understands the importance of publication to, and the multi-national demographic of, our university partners. DARPA’s fundamental research awards will be free from publication restrictions, export controls and citizenship requirements. Each DARPA science and technology solicitation and award announcement will state whether or not the activity is fundamental research. In addition, DARPA will not place restrictions on subcontracted unclassified research determined to be fundamental research by the prime contractor and research performer and certified by the contracting component.
DARPA will apply restrictions only when control is necessary for national security reasons or in rare and exceptional circumstances when the effort presents a high likelihood of disclosing performance characteristics of military systems or manufacturing technologies that are unique and critical to defense.
DARPA Fundamental Research Risk-Based Security Review Process
- OUSD (R&E) Countering Unwanted Influence in Department Funded Research at Institutions of Higher Education | June 29, 2023
- Reviews of Fundamental Research Process | Dec 21, 2023
- Risk-Based Review FAQs | May 3, 2024
- VPR Workshop Slides | Aug 26, 2024
- VPR Workshop Q&A | Aug 26, 2024