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Disruptors Wanted: Microsystems Technology Office Sets Out the Welcome Mat


Registration live for open house event scheduled June 24 for prospective collaborators

May 1, 2024

DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) is looking for new ideas, new perspectives, and new people – so office leaders are opening the doors on June 24.

The MTO Open House, to be held in conjunction with the release of a new MTO Officewide Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), aims to increase awareness and promote fresh thinking.

The invitation to newcomers underscores MTO’s emphasis on microsystems that bolster military and economic superiority and national security writ large. To achieve that goal, MTO is seeking to break through the microsystems status quo, establishing a new, sustainable manufacturing ecosystem.

“We want to be pushing the boundaries of what is possible and disrupting the community to think about things in new and different ways,” said Dr. Whitney Mason, MTO director. “One of the things that we struggle with at the Department of Defense and at DARPA is: How do you enable technology that scales, that can be commercialized and made available to the broader community, and that still provides DOD the advantage?”

To that end, MTO leaders are looking for collaborators and contributors to support scientific disruption, specifically in photonic, quantum, and organic circuits. Market disruption is another key mission element, including by creating and leveraging dual-use-by-design approaches that deliver asymmetric advantages.

The primary goals of the event center on familiarizing attendees with MTO’s mission, areas of interest, and ongoing efforts, as well as facilitating dialogue, advising on proposal approaches, and enhancing the office’s market research strategies. While the open house offers programming for aspiring proposers and performers, it’s also an opportunity for those interested in coming to work with DARPA.

The event, which will be held in person and streamed online, will include overview presentations by DARPA personnel, including MTO program managers, and potential sidebar meetings with PMs as well as MTO leadership. After the event, presented materials may be posted to our Opportunities page on the DARPA website.

Those interested in attending must register in advance between May 1 and May 31; there will be no on-site registration. Registration is free but limited by the in-person capacity of 150 participants and webinar capacity of 500 participants, so early registration is recommended. The ZoomGov dial-in will be shared with virtual attendees prior to the MTO open house event. Virtual attendance is limited to view-only mode.

For more information and to register, visit:
