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Episode 44: Sounds of Innovation 3


May 25, 2021

“Go into a science or engineering laboratory. Close your eyes. And listen,” suggests the host of Sounds of Innovation, an intermittent feature of the agency’s Voices from DARPA podcast. Or you could just check out the newly posted installment of the feature and eavesdrop on some of the soundscapes of DARPA-supported research.

Rather than hearing the voices and stories of program managers, which is normally what you get in a Voices from DARPA podcast, in each Sounds of Innovation episode, you hear some of the sonic details of research and development … and learn just a bit about the new technological capabilities those sounds could lead to.

See if you can guess how the sounds were produced before the host reveals their origins. One hint for the first set of soundscapes is that they have nothing to do with big drops of rain hitting a tin roof. Here’s a lead regarding the second soundscape: you might want to be sitting when the host reveals the extreme-tech that produced the sound. For the third set of sounds, let’s just say that if you were a mosquito – and we are not saying you are – the sounds definitely would not be music to your ears.

