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  4. Small Business Programs Office

Small Business Programs Office

About the Small Business Programs Office

At DARPA, we recognize that the ideas that can lead to breakthrough technologies for national security often come from the small business community.

Our Small Business Programs Office (SBPO) develops relationships with U.S. small businesses to help them take advantage of opportunities with DARPA. We help firms understand our mission, culture, policies, and procedures so they can participate in research programs through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards, seedlings, and explorations.  

We also help connect small business performers with academic partners and other federal agencies to further develop and commercialize technologies that result from DARPA programs.  

Connect with us

Our SBPO staff participate in numerous technology and industry conferences and other events across the country – as attendees, presenters, and exhibitors.

See events 

Get started

The best place to start is by joining DARPAConnect. This community offers on-demand webinars, coaching, mentoring, and other resources to understand how we work.

Research Opportunities

Opportunities to engage include R&D programs and efforts, challenge competitions, and technology transition efforts. See all Opportunities


To achieve DARPA’s mission to create technological surprise, the agency makes strategic, early investments in science and technology that will have long-term positive impacts on our national security. | See all DARPA programs


Small Business Programs Office leadership is responsible for guiding and overseeing the research and development activities within specific technical areas DARPA.
