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  4. TUNA: Tactical Undersea Network Architectures

TUNA: Tactical Undersea Network Architectures


Program Summary

The Tactical Undersea Network Architectures (TUNA) program seeks to develop and demonstrate novel optical-fiber-based technology options and designs to temporarily restore tactical data network connectivity in a contested environment. TUNA is currently in an initial phase that emphasizes concept and technology development in three technical areas: system design, small fiber optic cable systems, and buoy nodes.

System design performers are aiming to develop novel system architecture designs that integrate a military tactical data network into a rapidly deployable temporary undersea network. Small fiber optic cable systems performers are seeking to develop lightweight, buoyant unpowered optical fiber technologies capable of surviving deployment and operation in the ocean for at least 30 days. Buoy nodes performers are tasked to develop rapidly deployable buoy node designs and component technologies.

DARPA envisions a second phase to implement an integrated end-to-end system, and to test and evaluate this system in a laboratory setting, simulations and at-sea demonstrations.
