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  4. SCOPE: Spin-COntrolled Chemical Process Engineering

SCOPE: Spin-COntrolled chemical Process Engineering



The goal of SCOPE Disruption Opportunity is to use electron spin as a control variable to demonstrate high-yield synthesis and separation of fine chemicals required for the manufacturing of critical medicines. 

In traditional synthesis, the formation of byproducts is unavoidable and hence purification steps that are efficient only at large scale (annual production volume of 100s of kilograms to few tons) are necessary. 

The purification step in the production of critical medicines to meet DoD’s annual demand of 100s grams to kilograms imposes a 400X cost premium and leads to a fragile supply chain.

SCOPE builds upon recent advances in the generation, transport and application of spin-polarized electrons for direct high-purity synthesis and purification of fine chemicals. 

If successful, SCOPE will revolutionize small-scale distributed manufacturing of critical medicines and meet the healthcare needs of our warfighters.
