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  4. Space-BACN: Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node

Space-BACN: Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node



The goal of Space-BACN is to create a reconfigurable, multi-protocol intersatellite optical communications terminal that is low size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C), easy to integrate, and will have the ability to connect heterogeneous constellations that operate on different optical intersatellite link (OISL) specifications that otherwise would not be able to communicate.

In simpler terms, the goal of this program is to eliminate stovepipes and “connect space,” which will in turn enable the joint all-domain fight.

Space-BACN aims to overcome the perpetual lack of full on-orbit interoperability with current and future space communications. Since proliferated space is so new, there is no standardization of communications or OISLs in this domain. 

New constellations that are in different stages of acquisition are procuring single-waveform cross-link communication systems that meet their mission’s or business objective’s particular needs to interconnect their own constellation. These single-waveform systems are only capable of talking to other systems that support that particular waveform, almost exclusively consist of custom-made components, and have little to no reconfigurability. 

While most waveforms operate within the same wavelength band, they differ in essentially all implementation details, including specific wavelengths, polarization, clock rate, spatial acquisition sequence, modulation format, framing, and error correction coding. 

With each constellation acquiring its own single-waveform OISL, the space domain has become severely fragmented with isolated islands of connectivity. 

Space-BACN’s multi-standard optical terminal that can be reconfigured on-orbit will enable communications across different standards, and connect these otherwise isolated constellations.


For a more in-depth look at how Space-BACN fits into the broader context of Mosaic Warfare, Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), and the future of warfare, please watch:

