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  4. RATS: Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech

RATS: Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech


Program Summary

Existing speech signal processing technologies are inadequate for most noisy or degraded speech signals that are important to military intelligence. The Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech (RATS) program will create algorithms and software for performing the following tasks on potentially speech-containing signals received over communication channels that are extremely noisy and/or highly distorted:

  • Speech Activity Detection: Determine whether a signal includes speech or is just background noise or music.
  • Language Identification: Once a speech signal has been detected, identify the language being spoken.
  • Speaker Identification: Once a speech signal has been detected, identify whether the speaker is an individual on a list of known speakers.
  • Key Word Spotting: Once a speech signal has been detected and the language has been identified, spot specific words or phrases from a list of terms of interest.
