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  4. RPM: Reimagining Protein Manufacturing

RPM: Reimagining Protein Manufacturing



DoD access to critical proteins is currently limited by the slow response times of protein production methods. State-of-the-art (SOA) protein-based medical countermeasure (MCM) production relies on massive centralized infrastructure and complex pipelines that require lengthy cellular engineering, sufficient growth of cells for production, and intensive purification and quality control. Current response times are several months for production alone, with additional time needed for dispersing MCMs to vulnerable populations. Distributed manufacturing paradigms may transform these timelines into those relevant to DoD response, especially in denied, degraded, or disrupted operational environments.

To significantly advance the DoD’s ability to rapidly manufacture proteins in a fully distributed setting, RPM will address the following biochemistry challenges: (1) achieving relevant quantities of MCM; (2) ensuring initiation of protein production within ~24 hours of receiving DNA/RNA template; and (3) producing fully bioactive complex proteins by ensuring correct folding and controlled addition of post-translational modifications.

The RPM program seeks to revolutionize the production of protein based MCMs and lay the foundation for the fully distributed manufacturing paradigms of the future.

