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  4. POEM: Photonically Optimized Embedded Microprocessors

POEM: Photonically Optimized Embedded Microprocessors

Program Summary

The POEM program aims to address electrical communications link limitations by developing chip-scale, integrated photonic technology to enable seamless intrachip and offchip photonic communications that provide the required bandwidth with low energy/bit. The POEM program will exploit wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), allowing much higher bandwidth capacity per link, which is imperative to meeting the communication needs of future microprocessors. Such a capability would propel the microprocessor onto a new performance trajectory and impact the actual runtime performance of DoD-relevant computing tasks for power-starved embedded applications and supercomputing. The challenges in realizing POEM technology are developing CMOS and DRAM-compatible photonic links that are spectrally broad, operate at high bit-rates with very low power dissipation, and are tightly integrated with electronic drivers. Ultimately, the goal of POEM is to demonstrate photonic technologies that can be integrated within embedded microprocessors and enable seamless, energy-efficient, high-capacity communications within and between the microprocessor and DRAM. It is envisioned that POEM technology will be especially useful to military platforms where extreme performance coupled with low size, weight, and power is a necessity (e.g. UAVs, and satellites).

