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MFP: Mobile Force Protection



DARPA’s Mobile Force Protection (MFP) program focuses on a challenge of increasing concern to the U.S. military: thwarting the proliferation of small, unmanned aircraft systems. 

These systems – which include fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft and have numerous advantages such as portability, low cost, commercial availability, and easy upgradeability – pose a fast-evolving array of dangers for U.S. ground and maritime convoys.

MFP aims to address threats from small unmanned aircraft systems by developing scalable, modular, and affordable approaches that could be deployed in the next few years and nimbly evolve with advances in threats, tactics, and technology.

The MFP program includes three phases punctuated by open-air demonstrations involving increasingly sophisticated threats and scenarios. The program intent is to culminate in a full-capability demonstration on a moving vehicle or vessel by the end of Phase 3.


This program is now complete

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