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  5. MicroPNT-C: Micro-Technology For Positioning, Navigation and Timing - Clocks

MicroPNT-C: Micro-Technology for Positioning, Navigation and Timing - Clocks


Program Summary


The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) effort created ultra-miniaturized, low-power, atomic time and frequency reference units. The development of CSAC enabled ultra-miniaturized and ultra-low power atomic clocks for high-security Ultra High Frequency (UHF) communication and jam-resistant GPS receivers. The use of CSAC technology can greatly improve the mobility and robustness of any military system or platform with sophisticated UHF communication and/or navigation requirements.

This effort resulted in commercially available CSAC technology. The CSAC effort achieved a 100-fold size reduction while consuming 50 times less power than traditional atomic clocks.


The Integrated Micro Primary Atomic Clock Technology (IMPACT) effort is developing next-generation CSAC technology to further enhance the capabilities demonstrated under the original CSAC effort. If successful, the IMPACT effort would improve the accuracy and stability of CSAC by two orders of magnitude. While the IMPACT relies on new approaches to atomic physics, much of the technology directly leverages science and technology originally developed through the CSAC effort.  IMPACT devices could extend CSAC capabilities to long-term mission applications.

The IMPACT program is in its second of three planned phases. Phase II requires performers to deliver a 20 cm3, 250 mW clock demonstrating less than 160 ns time loss after one month.

