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  4. Imaging Practical Applications For a Quantum Tomorrow (IMPAQT)

Imaging Practical Applications for a Quantum Tomorrow (IMPAQT)



A number of new approaches to quantum information processing have been proposed that take advantage of recent advances in quantum computing hardware. These quantum systems include Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices where processors with >100 qubits have been demonstrated in multiple platforms.

Fundamentally different behavior

Under the DARPA ONISQ program, researchers have recently demonstrated a qubit (q) circuit depth (N) product > 2,000, and are currently developing systems with q*N > 10,000.

In NISQ systems, hybrid classical/quantum algorithms have demonstrated fundamentally different behavior compared to purely classical systems when applied to computationally complex problems. While these initial results have only been implemented on a small set of test problems, DARPA is interested in further exploring the capabilities of hybrid quantum/classical computational systems.

The IMPAQT ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: What are the applications for a quantum system with N*q > 10,000 as a co-processor for a classical computational system?

