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  4. Gambit



The Gambit program is focused on developing Rotating Detonation Engines (RDEs) as a new class of propulsion to enable standoff strike of time-critical targets from fourth generation fighters at campaign scale.

Current propulsion technologies (e.g. conventional rockets, ramjets, and gas-turbine engines) have limitations in maximum range, speed, and/or affordability that hinders their ability to meet the Gambit program objectives. RDEs are more compact than conventional ramjets, which allows them to carry more fuel. Additionally, RDEs are less complex than gas turbine engines. The combination of these two factors enable RDEs to affordably meet the Gambit program objectives.

Gambit will develop and demonstrate RDE technology in a full-scale freejet test. 

  • Phase 1 focuses on preliminary design of the freejet test article and substantiating the design with combustor and inlet testing. 
  • Phase 2 focuses on detailed design, fabrication, and testing of the freejet test article. Gambit could lay the foundation for future potential prototype weapon development.


This program is now complete

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