The Ensuring Consistency of Systemic Information (ECoSystemic) program aims to develop innovative techniques for the robust recovery of federated financial information systems.
By improving the mutual consistency of federated backups along with processes for recovering a distributed system of potentially global scale, information systems facing threats or outages can promptly return to a functional and mutually consistent restored state. This resilience and consistency in federated data stores has broad applicability in both military and commercial domains.
ECoSystemic spotlights the U.S. financial sector as a use case because of its strategic importance and extensive data federation. ECoSystemic will focus on:
- Modeling resilience within this global-scale distributed system
- Identifying potential safeguards and responses to threats. If individual firms are vulnerable to a common shock, there is nothing to prevent multiple key institutions from suffering an outage simultaneously.
ECoSystemic seeks innovative techniques to promote successful, simultaneous recovery across diverse local backups, enabling mutual consistency for a restored federated state.
Additional information is available in the ECoSystemic Program Announcement.
This program is now complete
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