Program Summary
The Dynamic Network Adaptation for Mission Optimization (DyNAMO) program is developing and testing technologies that enable adaptive, mission-responsive networking among diverse platforms in contested environments.
Wireless networks have evolved into complex systems having many configurable parameters/features, including link data rates, power settings, inter-network gateways, and security associations. The optimal settings for these features vary greatly depending on the mission for which the network is deployed and the environment in which it is operating. Currently, the majority of these features are optimized off-line for specific scenarios and assumptions and are pre-set before use in a mission. There is no capability for the settings to adapt if the actual mission or environment differs from the original assumptions used to configure the network. The problem is exacerbated in scenarios in which intelligent adversaries can affect the topology and operation of the network unpredictably and on short timescales.
Furthermore, future operations will include multiple, different radios interconnected on the same platform, which requires adaptation of the interaction among different networks. The DARPA DyNAMO program is developing information-centric approaches to bridge disparate networks and to adaptively configure and control networks and networks of networks for operation in dynamic and contested environments. The program is addressing optimization within legacy and future military networks, interactions between networks, and availability of necessary network services to support mission success.
During the summer and autumn of 2020, the DyNAMO program will conduct experiments with the new technology on various radio platforms to show interoperability in field events with Navy and Marine units.