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  4. CDMaST: Cross-Domain Maritime Surveillance and Targeting

CDMaST: Cross-Domain Maritime Surveillance and Targeting


Program Summary

The Cross-Domain Maritime Surveillance and Targeting (CDMaST) program seeks to identify and implement architectures consisting of novel combinations of manned and unmanned systems to deny ocean environments to adversaries as a means of projecting power. By exploring promising new developments in distributed unmanned systems, advanced sensors, resilient communications and emerging long-range weapon systems, the program aims to develop an advanced, integrated undersea warfighting capability able to hold adversary submarines at risk over large contested maritime areas. The program encompasses both development of warfighting architectures and underlying technologies as well as experimentation to explore and test the viability and effectiveness of these complex architectures. A key component is the development of the Distributed Experimentation Environment (DE2), a government owned and operated constructive, virtual, and live testbed and system of systems technology integration process. The DE2 process integrates and evolves novel technologies through a phased development strategy consisting of architecture refinement, engineering testing, and operational experiments in operationally relevant contexts. The desired result is to both deliver an experimentally validated effective undersea warfighting architecture; and provide an enduring capability for the Department of Defense to efficiently evolve, innovate, and deliver effective warfighting architectures.
