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  4. B-SURE: Biomanufacturing: Survival, Utility, and Reliability Beyond Earth

B-SURE: Biomanufacturing: Survival, Utility, and Reliability beyond Earth


Program Summary

The DoD has a role in orbital and lunar missions as defined by the U.S. Space Force (USSF) Space Capstone Publication. To succeed in this role, there is a critical DoD need for the continued development and expansion of orbital manufacturing to enable and ensure supply chain resiliency, sustained technological superiority, and asset security and repair for current and future operations.

The Biomanufacturing: Survival, Utility, and Reliability beyond Earth (B-SURE) Program will evaluate basic biological questions related to alternative feedstock utilization by microbial systems and how variable gravity and galactic cosmic radiation impacts cellular performance of common biomanufacturing host organisms. By addressing these areas, B-SURE will provide critical information and data on the future of biomanufacturing beyond Earth.

