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  4. ARRIVE: Applications Resulting From Recent Insights In Vacuum Engineering

ARRIVE: Applications Resulting from Recent Insights in Vacuum Engineering


Program Summary

The Applications Resulting from Recent Insights in Vacuum Engineering (ARRIVE) program is carrying out proof-of-theory experiments aimed at engineering vacuum fluctuations in photonic and mechanical systems. A follow-on to the DARPA QUEST program, ARRIVE will experimentally test new theoretical insights into controlling the quantum vacuum, and transducing the vacuum energy density into a usable form.

ARRIVE is broadly focused on three vacuum effects: the Casimir force, the dynamical Casimir force, and spin qubit decoherence. If successful, these focus areas will demonstrate that the quantum vacuum can be engineered in ways that produce meaningful impacts that enable improved and unprecedented functionality to quantum systems such as nano-scale actuators, qubit gates for quantum computing, and high-brightness entangled photon sources.

