Program Summary
The Advanced RF Mapping program seeks to provide radio frequency (RF) situational awareness using low-cost sensors distributed over the battlespace. The sensors include devices deployed for other purposes, such as tactical radios. The vision is that all RF devices in theater will support RF situational awareness when not performing their primary mission. The program also delivers a command/control mechanism and a middleware layer that enables and coordinates use of RF devices already in theater for multiple simultaneous electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) functions, including jamming.
RadioMap seeks to make spectrum management more efficient by giving operators the tools to see real and potential frequency interference and usage. For example, a forward-deployed unit might reserve a particular frequency for a communications link at a specific time, but due to the dynamic nature of the situation, the frequency ends up not being needed. RadioMap’s real-time visualization of actual spectrum use helps spectrum managers detect the unused frequency and enhance mission effectiveness by quickly reusing it for other needs.
RadioMap’s flexibility to incorporate new RF sensing applications and sensors has enabled it to evolve and provide the critical technology supporting DARPA’s Distributed RF and Geo-locations On Networked Sensors (DRAGONS) research. DRAGONS incorporates multiple new capabilities developed by various DARPA technical offices each of which further contributes to helping build RF situational awareness to include information about emitter identification and location.