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  3. Cookie Disclaimer

Cookie Disclaimer


This website uses measurement and customization technology known as a "cookies." 

Cookies are used to remember a user's online interactions with a website or online application in order to conduct measurement and analysis of usage or to customize the user's experience. There are two kinds of cookies used on this website:

  • A single-session cookie (Tier 1) is a line of text that is stored temporarily on a user's computer and deleted as soon as the browser is closed
  • A persistent or multi-session cookie (Tier 2) is saved to a file on a user's hard drive and is called up the next time that user visits a website. Use of these cookies does not involve the collection of a visitor's personally identifiable information (PII)

The Department of Defense does not use the information associated with cookies to track individual user activity on the Internet outside Defense Department websites, nor does it share the data obtained through such technologies, without the user's explicit consent, with other departments or agencies. 

The Department of Defense does not keep a database of information obtained from the use of cookies.

Cookies are enabled by default to optimize website functionality and customize user experience. Users can choose not to accept the use of these cookies by changing the settings on their local computer's web browser. 

The website provides general instructions on how to opt out of cookies and other commonly used web measurement and customization technologies. 

Opting out of cookies still permits users to access comparable information and services; however, it may take longer to navigate or interact with the website if a user is required to fill out certain information repeatedly.

