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Registration Open for DARPA Discovery Event in San Francisco

DSO is one of six technical offices at DARPA and focuses on identifying and pursuing high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines.

Small, large tech companies and universities invited to explore future disruptive concepts

Jan 18, 2024

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is hosting an in-person gathering in San Francisco Feb. 21-22 to engage with science and technology companies, universities, and other research and engineering organizations interested in exploring scientific areas ripe for disruption. The event, called Discover DSO Day (D3), is sponsored by DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO), whose goal is to identify and pursue high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines and transform them into important, new game-changing technologies for U.S. national security.

“DSO’s mission is to identify and demonstrate the potential of nascent ideas that are audacious and high-risk in nature across a breadth of technical areas for national security applications,” said DSO Director Dr. Jinendra Ranka. “Discover DSO Day is designed to introduce the broader science and technology community – especially small and non-traditional tech companies who’ve never worked with DARPA before – to DSO’s mission, culture, and opportunities to work with DARPA.”

Over the past year, DSO has been restructured to pursue bolder ideas at a more rapid pace through an expanded number of Disruption Opportunities — two-year efforts designed to quickly validate the key technical challenges of promising concepts — as well as traditional DARPA research programs and small-business innovation/technology efforts. In addition, DSO recently launched the DARPA Innovation Fellowship and Advanced Research Concepts initiative and expanded the Young Faculty Award program for university researchers.

“DSO has significantly increased the cadence of research solicitations over the past year, and we anticipate moving even faster in 2024,” Ranka said.

During the two-day event, participants will hear speakers and information sessions addressing recent technology breakthroughs, emerging threats, and ethical, legal, societal implications (ELSI) of emerging tech, among others. Participants will also engage with interactive panel discussions on DSO-specific focus areas and have an opportunity to network with other participants for potential teaming opportunities on future DARPA projects.

Representatives from DARPAConnect, an effort started in 2022 to help small businesses and universities new to the national security space connect with DARPA, will attend to answer participants’ questions.


Advance registration is required to attend the in-person only event, and participants may register to attend one or both days. A tentative agenda and additional details are available on the registration website.

Registration website: Registration closes Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET, or when capacity is reached, whichever comes first.

DARPA anticipates a second Discover DSO Day event to be held in Arlington, Virginia, in the fall of 2024. A Special Notice for that event will be posted once details become available.

To view the full Special Notice for Discover DSO Day in San Francisco, visit:
