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Operational Fires Program Advances to Phase 3, Targets System Development and Integration


OpFires will develop, demonstrate novel ground-launched system for precision engagement of time-sensitive targets

Jan 14, 2020

The joint DARPA/U.S. Army Operational Fires (OpFires) program is moving into Phase 3 to further develop and integrate ongoing propulsion system designs into a missile system, including the launcher, electronics, and payload. OpFires aims to develop and demonstrate a novel ground-launched system, enabling hypersonic boost glide weapons to penetrate modern enemy air defenses and rapidly and precisely engage critical time-sensitive targets from a highly mobile launch platform.

The OpFires program will conduct a series of subsystem tests designed to evaluate component design and system compatibility, and culminate in integrated end-to-end flight tests. DARPA has awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control to lead the integration effort.

“We made excellent progress in the first two phases, which focused on the propulsion technologies required to deliver diverse payloads, and I am confident in our approach in the next phase of the OpFires program,” said Maj. Amber Walker (USA), program manager for OpFires in DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office. “This award furthers our ability to integrate new technologies and deliver enhanced capabilities in a highly mobile, robust ground-launched platform to overwhelm adversary positions.”

Image Caption: Operational Fires artist's concept.


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