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Walker Receives Prestigious “Skunk Works” Award


Engineers’ Council honors DARPA Deputy Director for accomplishments and leadership

Feb 28, 2013

Dr. Steven H. Walker, Deputy Director for DARPA, has received the 2013 Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson Skunk Works Award from the Engineers’ Council.

Established in 1992, the annual award honors an individual with outstanding professional qualities and a top reputation for engineering accomplishments and leadership. Recipients embody the model of excellence Johnson established for future generations of engineers aspiring to create pioneering programs of the future.

“I’m grateful to accept this award on behalf of the U.S. Defense Department and its thousands of engineers,” Walker said. “Being the second DoD executive in two years to receive this recognition underscores the Department’s commitment to advancing the engineering community and the technologies it helps advance.”

Last year, the Engineers’ Council recognized retired Gen. James Cartwright, USMC, with the award. Previous recipients include retired Lt. Gen. George K. Muellner, USAF (1998), Burt Rutan (2000) and former DARPA Director, Tony Tether (2006).

Walker received the award at the 58th Engineers’ Council National Engineers’ Week Honors & Awards Banquet on February 23, 2013 in Universal City, Calif.

An aerospace legend, Johnson organized the Lockheed Skunk Works in 1943 and led the design of many iconic aircraft, including the P-38 Lightning, the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft and the SR-71 Blackbird. He captured every major aviation design award and earned the nation’s highest civilian honor, the National Medal of Freedom.

The Engineers’ Council recognizes outstanding contributions by individuals in the fields of engineering, education and special fields of work and public service. The Council sponsors National Engineers Week (February 17-23, 2013), an annual event recognizing engineers’ contributions to government, industry and the public.
