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Technology Demonstrations

Wait, What? included demonstrations of approximately 50 technologies developed or in development as part of DARPA research programs. The demonstrations were grouped by theme areas linked to national security challenges and opportunities.

What’s In My Network?

Two challenges shape our ability to benefit from the continuing information explosion: trusting our information systems and understanding data. DARPA is developing technologies to ensure the integrity of the data uponwhich critical decisions are made and novel approaches to deriving insights from diverse datasets.

Across the Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum functions as the eyes, ears, and voice of modern society. As the spectrum grows more crowded and as technologies from software-defined radios to advanced cameras become commonplace, DARPA is pursuing new opportunities for innovation.

Where, When?

DARPA is reaching beyond GPS to establish new and better navigational and timing technologies, driving new microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), harnessing the physics of cold atoms and establishing new fix systems.

Restoring Injured Bodies and Brains

Recent advances in neuroscience, microelectronics and information science are sparking new approaches to restoring lost abilities following brain injury or disease and eventually increasing human performance.

Programming the Living World

DARPA is applying tools from data science, computing, automation and miniaturization to accelerate the ability to harness biology's synthetic and functional capabilities.

Outpacing Infectious Disease

New genetic and immunological technologies are making it possible to detect, diagnose and treat infectious diseases with unprecedented precision and rapidity.

Robotics Fact vs. Fiction

For decades, we have dreamed of robots that can help people perform tasks beyond the factory floor.

  • DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC)
  • Legged Squad Support System (LS3)

Enhancing Maritime Agility

DARPA is developing unmanned platforms, distributed sensing systems, and position awareness technology to facilitate access to the vast maritime expanse in all its manifestations.

Space under Construction

To maximize capabilities in space, DARPA is developing new approaches to launching satellites on a day's notice and new satellite architectures that change what's possible on orbit.

The Future of Ground Warfare

DARPA is bringing the digital revolution to close air support and developing a range of squad overmatch capabilities for greater reach, situational awareness and maneuverability.

E Pluribus Unum

DARPA is developing participatory sensing, swarm robotics and micro self-assembly that could support collective approaches to overcoming challenges in realms as diverse as surveillance, manufacturing and transportation.

