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DARPA SBIR/STTR FY24 Topic Opportunities


To achieve DARPA’s mission to create technological surprise, the agency makes strategic, early investments in science and technology that will have long-term positive impacts on our national security. As part of this mission, DARPA makes high-risk, high-reward investments in science and technology that have the potential to disrupt current understandings and/or approaches. The pace of discovery in both science and technology is accelerating worldwide, resulting in new fields of study and the identification of scientific areas ripe for small business utilization through the SBIR and STTR programs. Small businesses are critical for developing technology to support national security. Proposers are encouraged to consider whether the R/R&D being proposed to DoD Components also has private sector potential, either for the proposed application or as a base for other applications.

The topics below focus on technical domains important to DARPA’s mission pursuing innovative research concepts that fall within one of its technology offices. Proposals for these topics must be submitted in accordance with the instructions provided under the appropriate Annual Solicitation the DoD SBIR/STTR site:

Department of Defense Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs)

SBIR 2024.4 Annual Program BAA

STTR 2024.D Annual Program BAA

Frequently Asked Questions


DoD SBIR/STTR Interactive Participation Guide

SBIR 2024.4 Announcement Topics
ProgramTech OfficeTopic NumberTitleResourcesClose Date
SBIRTTOHR0011SB20244-01Advanced Enabling High-Speed TechnologiesTopic3/7/2024
SBIRDSOHR0011SB20244-02Atmospheric Water Extraction Plus (AWE+) Amendment 1Topic / Slides / HR0011SB20244-02 Phase I Cost Proposal7/02/2024
SBIRBTOHR0011SB20244-03Biomaterial Energy Dissipating Structures (BEDS)Topic / Slides / Q&A7/30/2024
SBIRBTOHR0011SB20244-04Direct Blood Oxygenation Titration System (D-BOTS)Topic10/22/2024
STTR 2024.D Announcement Topics
ProgramTech OfficeTopic NumberTitleResourcesClose Date
STTRDSOHR0011ST2024D-01Optical-Atomic System Integration & Calibration (OASIC)Topic4/16/2024
STTRI2OHR0011ST2024D-02Reasoned Cyber Visualization (RC-Vis)Topic / Slides / HR0011ST2024D-02 Phase I Cost Proposal / Q&A4/16/2024
STTRSTOHR0011ST2024D-03Window-glass Telescope for Highly-compensated Ubiquitous Sensing (WITH US)Topic / Slides6/13/2024
STTRDSOHR0011ST2024D-P01Warfighter and Defense Related Outfits to Buffer Extreme Environments (WarDROBE) - Open TopicTopic / Q&A09/10/2024

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Small Business Programs Office (SBPO) is sponsoring an Information Session webcast to provide information to potential proposers on the objectives of the anticipated SBIR/STTR Opportunity (SBO) in the technical domains of Information System Technology and Sensors. The Information Session for the Optical-Atomic System Integration and Calibration (OASIC) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Opportunity will be held via webcast on February 16, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Advance registration is required to attend the webcast. Note that all times listed in this announcement and on the registration website are Eastern Time.

Tech OfficeTitleResourcesClose Date
DSOOptical-Atomic System Integration & Calibration (OASIC)DARPA-SN-24-372/14/2024
